Defunct Email Addresses
Social Networks
- Ello
- Blackduck/OpenHUB
- GitHub
- Google Plus (what was that again???)
Technology Stack Used Here
The following technologies were used for this website:
- Qgoda as content management system
- Hoedown as markdown processor for Qgoda
- Template Toolkit as Qgoda template engine
- webpack as bundler for JavaScript, CSS, and Fonts
- Bootstrap 5 as CSS framework
- nginx as web server
- ZenBlog blog template
- flexsearch for the full-text search
- Prism with Qgoda highlight plug-in for syntax highlighting
- @porscheofficial/cookie-consent-banner for the cookie consent banner
- Templage::Plugin::Gettext for translation of design elements
- aos for animations on scroll
- glightbox for video embedding
- Browsersync as development and testing web server
- GNU Image Manipulation Program GIMP as primary image processing software
- ImageMagick and Image-MagickTools for automated image processing
- AWS CodeCommit as Hoster for the git repository
Apart from that, a couple of private Qgoda plug-ins are used, too:
for exporting the Qgoda content for flexsearch indexingInitials
for decoration of the first character of post contentNumber-formatter
for language aware formatting of numbersNutritional-Information
for calculating and displaying nutritional informationSrcset
for inserting images withsrcset
All these plug-ins are (currently) not really ready for publishing but I can share them on demand.
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